Friday, June 03, 2005

Rasa Alamanda, Putrajaya

It's been so long since I last made an entry here at Makan Place. Well, I haven't been eating out lately, for several reasons. However, I did this afternoon at Alamanda's own food court, RASA.

This is the second time I've been here at Rasa. Usually I'd opt for fast food restaurants. The first time I came to Rasa, I had some curry noodles. Omigod.. it was horrendous. Somebody ought to knock the cook in the head. The curry was err... cair. Not many condiments. The experience was horrific. But, Kak Yati told us about its delicious Bakso and Nasi Kerabu. And I was intrigued.

Kak Yati had Bakso. Nomie had Nasi Dagang, while I had Nasi Kerabu, and Carrot Juice. The food was nice but the carrot juice was wayyyy tooo sweet. Nasi Kerabu was kinda expensive. Maybe because I had Nasi Kerabu with ayam kampung goreng and colok sumbat. Nomie had nasi dagang with ikan tongkol, and acar. I think I even saw boiled egg in her plate. The bakso (not sure if it's really that good, but Kak Yati finished it off) didn't have so much meat in it. I'd say the Bakso is really ... damn good if it has loads and loads of meat, and stuff inside.

I've taken all the photos. Nasi Kerabu costs RM6.50 (with chicken and colok). Carrot juice was RM3.50. Not sure of the others. But around RM3-5.00.

Nasi Kerabu and Nasi Dagang are available at Kelantan stall. Bakso, at Mee-Noodles.

bakso1 bakso2

kerabu carrot1
Nasi Kerabu and Carrot Juice

Image hosted by Nasi Dagang


Anonymous said...

colok sumbat????? i believe dear that food is actually solok.... colok is that incense yg chinese people use for praying.....

surely not a good thing to eat unless ur a hungry ghost....

...pak long...

tulip said...

entah la aku pun tak sure apa namanye.. tak kisah laa... asal sedap dah le :-P

mon said...

aku pernah makan keow teow tiga rasa....
cam tomyam sikit, pedassssss gegiler...

Anonymous said...

Hi Tulip...It's so unfortunate for u sbb according to u the curry noodles taste horrendous...Maybe on that day coz to tell u the truth...I've been eating and tasted most of the food serves at 'RASA' and what I can say is that they serve varieties...U can get almost everything and that is one of my fav place. Something to look up to compare to other food courts around K.L and Selangor besides its deco and helpful staffs.
1st impression is very important but in this case I guess u should give another visit to 'RASA':) and it's our 'job' to inform the management if we're not satisfied with the price or food.They can't improve if we don't give our feedback and we can't keep avoiding those potential 'makan place' just because we are not satisfied with certain things. Believe me, u will feel much better if u give your generous feedbacks to the management and I'm really sure they'll appreciate it :) I've tried once but make sure that we approach them in a nice way...K, enjoy!!!

taxi klia said...

bakso selalu makan ok je rasa dia cuma tak rasa sebiji mcm bakso indon la, but quite ok la kalau nak alas perut yg lapar, kalau noodle sya pilih char kuew tiaw tambah telur mata pastu minum dgn air cincau tin pergh meletup.

Anonymous said...

dulu aku slalu pg favorite menu 'char kuwe teow' kt noodle stall

and kt sna la aku jumpe sumone yg pnh hadir dlm hati aku

tp aku dh lama xpg sna.huhu,xnk rindu kt char kuwe teow.hehe..

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